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These are troubling times for immigrants throughout the United States. Denying green cards to low-income immigrants, family separation, and threats to DACA are making it harder to achieve the American Dream. Nevertheless, we at CIANA are on the front lines, welcoming our immigrant families and helping them achieve success.
This is why we’re launching our 2019 Giving Tuesday campaign, “The American Table.”
Through the foods they eat on Thanksgiving, a quintessential American holiday, our clients, staff, and community members reflect the multitude of backgrounds that they come from. Their traditions are integral to new American traditions, which is why we're thrilled to be sharing them with you.
By donating to CIANA on this Giving Tuesday, December 3rd, you will be a vital part of helping New York’s newest members become an integral part of our communities.
CIANA is a social services organization that works to integrate new immigrants into the socio-economic and civic life of American society while maintaining pride in their cultural heritage. It was originally founded by Emira Habiby Browne in 2006 to counter the increased marginalization of immigrants from the Arab and Muslim countries targeted in the post 9/11 era. CIANA’s unique model of holistic, family-centered services has now become a beacon for the integration of new immigrants coming from all over the world.